Who am I?
I am Katherine Bell
Founder of Experiential Dreamwork and host of the Dream Journal Podcast

The Dream That Helped Me Take the First Steps
In 2016 I had a dream of zebras: a simple image of striped backs with frisky foals all around me. When I felt into this dream moment I realized that I was one of the herd! This powerful, untamed community of fierce family had recognized me as one of their own.
This dream was an initiation into a waking life reality where I felt deeply supported and loved for the first time in my life, a sense of true belonging… and I wish the same for you!
A group of zebras is called a dazzle. Today the dazzle of my life is my community of dream friends. We don’t all do the same practices. Some are clients, some mentors, some participants in my public events, some are fellow travelers on parallel paths. Some live close by and some are on the other side of the world. All are allies and friends, they are my Dream Mates.
Today I’m a dreamwork practitioner and the founder of Experiential Dreamwork. I’m a member of the Board of Directors, the Ethics Committee and the Conference Planning Committee of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. I have facilitated Dream Groups for over 20 years and has been a Dream Coach for 9.
Live Radio Show
The Dream Journal Podcast
I’m the host of “The Dream Journal” podcast, a weekly hour-long live show featuring interviews with dream experts to spread information about the power of our nightly dreams. Guests have included Robert Hoss, Kelly Sullivan Walden, Robert Wagonner, David Jay Brown, Chris Price, Eva Rider and Gregg Levoy.
Listen to the latest episode TODAY!

Some of My Dream Big Initiatives!
I’ve studied extensively with Bill St. Cyr and Sue Scavo (Embodied Dreamwork), Rodger Kamenetz (Natural Dreamwork) and Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster (Archetypal Dreamwork). She has presented both in the US and internationally on the topic of dreams in five IASD conferences, three Festival of Dreams events, at the conference for Science and NonDualtiy and at numerous smaller local events.
I’m the host and creator of the Festival of Dreams Santa Cruz: a yearly event offering workshops and presentations in celebration of all things Dream. This prestigious Festival has included presentations by such inspirational thinkers as Gayle Delaney, Robert Hoss, Rev. Deborah Johnson, Kathleen Sullivan, Gregg Levoy and David Jay Brown. The 2019 Festival was the third annual event and spanned three days with offerings by 25 presenters to over 100 participants. It was co-hosted with Linda Mastrangelo and co-sponsored by the IASD as a CA Regional Event at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History. We plan to offer another Festival of Dreams in 2025.
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Schedule your FREE 30 minute Dream Consultation!
Your sleeping dreams can reveal what is hindering your waking life aspirations
Open the door to MORE!
Let’s get connected!
Reach out to me any time
Whether you want to be on the podcast to promote your dream business or newly published book or you would like support around your urgent dreams, contact me and let’s talk! I love talking about dreams so let’s begin.