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This page is highly preliminary!  Please follow this link to my current page… Dream time

Private Dream Session

Explore your tender dreams in one on one sessions.  There is time and space to share personal details as they arise in your dreams. Learn More

Dream Circle

Explore your dreams with the support of like-minded Dream Seekers.  Join one of our on-going Circles or bring three friends for our own personalized environment. Learn More

Retreats and Special Events

Throughout the year I offer immersive dream retreats and special events that help make your dreams come true! Learn More

Free Dream Consultation!

In person at my Seabright office or by phone or skype.  Contact me to experience Experiential Dreamwork. Yes! Open the door to MORE! What do you want more of in your life?  What do you want less of?  Your sleeping dreams can reveal what is hindering your waking life aspirations and open the door to the love and support that you yearn for.

Dreams come every night to lead us to wholeness.  Instead of using words, dreams speak in images and feelings.  We can get lost when we try to analyze dreams with our heads when what they speak to is our hearts.

Dreams want to be felt not analyzed.  They come to us as experiences in the night; experiences that are ready to be felt. I will work with you to feel into the core of each dream moment to uncover your blocks and your invitations to deeper love.  In one-on-one work or in a group setting, you will be held in a sacred container. Are you ready for some changes?  The door is open for you every night. opening door [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]