Workshops old 1.0

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Experiencing Your Dreams Gatherings

Do you feel isolated at times? Maybe depressed or anxious? Or perhaps you feel like there is something missing in your life?

Do you wake up knowing that something is reaching through from inside of you? Something that is aching to be heard?

Dreams are expressions of our unconscious selves. They are a way to access what is really going on inside of ourself.

Join these on-going dream gatherings and learn what you can gain by  Experiencing Your Dreams.

These weekly workshops will explore various aspects of dreaming, and you will get a chance to experience their power and precision for yourself.

For July 2020 we will explore the topic of LOVE. 

Most weeks we will have a Workshop format in which Katherine Bell opens with a teaching piece. You will then have a chance to write about your response. We finish with a sharing circle so that participants have a chance to share what has come up for them. Sharing vulnerably with each other can be a powerful experience and creates a space of community and connection.

On the last week of every month, we will have a Working Dream Group format in which I work one on one with participants about their specific dreams. There will be a chance for others to offer feedback if the dreamer is open to it, but the focus is for the dreamer to feel deeply into their dream moments to experience their personal revelations.

We gather every Monday 3-5pm Pacific time. Workshops will be recorded for you to listen to afterwards, but, for the sake of confidentiality, Dream Group evenings will not be recorded.

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Register now!

Pay by credit card or PayPal. I offer generous sliding scale options. If you would prefer to mail me a check, contact me for my mailing address and to let me know.

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Maybe you are out of work or struggling to make ends meet. I want to support you! Chose this option if it is right for you.

I know that your dreams are supporting you, and I want you to have access to their wisdom and guidance. So if even this is too much for you, please do contact me at one of the links below, and I will register you for free. 

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Thank you for being a part of this class! 

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Support those who cannot pay during this difficult time. Your extra $20 pays for someone who may be out of work or struggling financially. Thank you!

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Sign up for three months. Save $10, and you won’t have to re-register!

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Questions? Contact Katherine:

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Click to call

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